Sharks are without any doubts the greatest and most talented group of animals that have been able to adapt to the many challenges they have been facing through time on Planet Earth. They have been able to survive enormous dinosaurs, glaciations, meteorites and more recent big fisheries, climate change and now the new one, the terrible oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. For years Whale Sharks have come to the waters of the Yucatan Peninsula to feed in the summer. Last year, we in EcoColors had days where we literally could see more than 400 Whale Sharks. Now with the oil impact on plankton, fish and all living organisms, Whale Sharks face a new challenge. My personal believe is, as usual and due to the fantasti
c adaptations they possessed, they will be able to survive this new challenge however, this is still a mystery. Lets hope for the best and lets all do our part in this world to really achieve a responsible way of living. For this moment we should all take advantage and enjoy the fantastic Whale Sharks in Mexico. This is definitely a must activity in each persons bucket list!

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